Japane Stone: Ohmi Taga Stone 8mm bracelet natural stones Health wealth stones story
Japane Stone: Ohmi Taga Stone 8mm bracelet natural stones Health wealth stones story
Japan Stones: Ohmi Taga Stone
Producing district: Shiga Prefecture
Meaning: Long Life, Marriage Tie, Exorcism
A type of limestone produces in the town of Taga.
Although it is a limestone, it is strong and is a very beautiful and famous stone with its color and patterns. It was formed in the sea about 280million years ago.
Hikone Castle and the Taga Taisha Shrine. whose deities are Izanagi and Izanami are located nearby and like Kyoto and Nara, the area is rich in history, cultural assets and mythology.
The two great deities, Izanagi, father of Amaterasu and his wife Izanami, are said to have set up their last residence in Taga after the creation of Japanese archipelago. In the Edo period. it was said that if one was to visit Ise Jungu Shrine (that is the place of deity Amaterasu) then he must visit Taiga Taisha too, the place of its parents deity, Izanagi
Bracelet size
Bead size: about 8mm
Inner circumference size: about 17cm
※ 照片為圖像。圖案、顏色、打光方式都略有不同。
※ 由於石材的性質,可能會有一些變形、尺寸差異等情況。
It will be shipped within 4 business days.(Monday to Thursday)
Please note that if you make the order on Friday, Sundays, Saturday Japanese public holidays are included, your order will be shipped within 4 business days after the holiday is end.

在日本,我們公司的日本石材受到了許多人的喜愛。 我們是唯一一家在日本開採所有寶石的公司,我們希望世界各地的人們都能享受這種寶石。 自古以來,日本人的生活就與石頭有著密切的關係。 在繩文時代,我們常常壓碎堅果,用箭和斧頭打獵。 把石頭排成一排,圍成石圈,向神靈祈禱。 人類逐漸學會透過製作逗號形狀的珠寶等配件來「打扮」。後來,誕生了以「花園石」和「bonstones(托盤景觀基石)」等石頭為愛好的文化, 「用石」的方法也多種多樣,從石牆護人,到泡菜石吃菜美味。 礦物質對身體也有很大的影響。美味的蔬菜也受到土壤(如泉水)中所含營養物質和礦物質的影響。石頭發出的輻射和離子也會影響環境、人和動物… 石頭與人的聯繫,不僅是其他國家的故事,也是日本的歷史。 然而,日本各地留下的「石文化」正隨著時代潮流和需求的變化而消失。 從某種意義上說,這可能是不可避免的,但一旦失去了東西或文化,你就再也回不去了。 生成石頭需要花費大量時間。幾百萬年,幾億年。地球在很長一段時間內創造的石頭正在被文化遺忘,在某些情況下,有被丟棄的危險。...