收藏: 06. Terahertz

Terahertz is a man-made gemstone that is invented by Japanese scientists in order to protect the body against electromagnetic smog and harmful radiation.

It`s an artificial stone called silicon, but with stronger power. that`s why Terahertz is one of the rarest stones in the market. And since it is quite difficult to obtain, it`s made by refining quartz at high temperature, so it is more expensive compared to other stones.



Terahertz stone is a powerful healing gemstone that can help people who have issues in the bloodstreams. Because of its long wavelength, the stone can help in improving the bloodstream. It improves the flow of blood eliminating the clots in the bloodstream.

Terahertz will keep a balance of the human body through stimulating cells, it`s vibrate one millions times for second, and improving hypothermia that causes cold feet and hands. Also, it improves mobility and maintains body status.


Our Terahertz Products certificated. We carefully selected the quality of the raw material quartz. It usually fused from 3 to 4 times, but we do it 6 or 7 times . All are made in out factory so It`s 100% Terahertz, they don`t have inside other components inside.